Investing in real green projects
We have spent well over a decade helping people use their money to take climate action. Our mix of investments has changed over the years, but they all have something in common. They don’t fund aspirations and hot air, they fund actual green projects across the UK.

Backing the councils creating local green revolutions
Taking action on the climate crisis requires us to work together, and our local councils have a vital part to play in building the greener infrastructure we need to decarbonise our communities. They have the power to influence over a third of UK greenhouse gas emissions - already many are leading the way to making substantial reductions Hundreds have declared climate emergencies, and hundreds are also putting tangible climate plans into action to create low carbon, resilient communities that are fit for the future.
We launched our first council green investments in 2020 because councils want to make sure everyone had the opportunity to play their part in that transition. They work very simply: you lend money to a UK council, and every pound invested will be used to fund essential green projects from their published climate action plans. And because the investments must comply with the Green Loan Principles, you can be confident that your money will only be used for those purposes.
Investing in the companies and communities creating greener places for us all
Place-based climate action has always been at the centre of what we do. In 2012 our founders were standing in a church hall in the Forest of Dean helping ex-mayor Nigel invest £20 - which he had brought in cash - to help build a new local wind turbine. Since then, thousands of other investors have joined him (using the more conventional route of our online investment platform), but our principles haven’t changed. We have always been about helping everyone to invest in meaningful positive change.
We have always been about helping everyone to invest in stuff that is really going to help create meaningful positive change. That has meant different things over the years. Our investors have supported the rollout of essential green infrastructure like wind, solar and EV charging. They have also backed new developments with transformative potential, like tidal power and innovative tree planting projects. But the one constant has been that, when you invest with us, you know exactly what your money is going to fund and a real sense of ownership of the impact it creates.